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My question to rabbi Tuly
I believe that Jerusalem's temple located on the mount
Moriah (the Temple Mount), but not on the top of it,
but on the lower mountainside that belonged to area of the
ancient city of David. I take out some Bible verses from the
Israel Bible (Tanakh) that is in
theisraelbible.com site.
2 Chronicles 23:20 He took the chiefs of hundreds,
the nobles, and the rulers of the people and all the people
of the land, and
they escorted the king down from the House of Hashem into
the royal palace by the upper gate, and seated the
king on the royal throne.
The Israel Bible that rabbi Tuly uses says that few men
escorted the King down from the House of Hashem (Temple)
into the royal palace by the upper gate. Royal palace is the
castle where the King dwelled. Everyone who has even a
little understanding about the message of the Bible knows
that King's castle was in the city of David, not on the top
of the Temple Mount. The Israel Bible says that the Temple
and King's castle located side by side. This means,
according the Israel Bible that the Temple also located in
the city of David, next to the King's castle (palace).
My question to rabbi Tuly is that why you believe and
teach that the location of the Temple was on the top of the
Temple Mount, although the Israel Bible locates it to the
city of David next to the King's castle?
1 Kings 8:
The Israel Bible that rabbi Tuly uses says that the Ark of
the Covenant of the Lord (Aron Brit Hashem)
was in the city of David, where it was in its place
underneath the wings of cherubim (in the Temple).
My question to rabbi Tuly is that why you believe and
teach that the location of the Temple was on the top of the
Temple Mount, although the Israel Bible locates it to the
city of David?
Nehemiah 3:
The Israel Bible that rabbi Tuly uses says that the temple
servants lived on the Ophel, and that the priests (the
Kohanim) lived near the Horse Gate.
Why would temple servants and the priest live anywhere else
than near the Temple, in which they served God and the
people of Israel? The Ophel area is in the east and southern
slope and mountainside of mount Moriah (the Temple
Mount). The Israel Bible that rabbi Tuly uses
locates the Temple to the Ophel area, not to the top of the
Everyone who has even a little understanding about the
message of the Bible knows, that the ancient city of David
situated lower mountainside of the mount Moriah, not on the
top of the mountain. The ancient city of David situated on
an eastern hill and southern slopes of the Mount Moriah
surrounded on all sides by mountains.
My question to rabbi Tuly is that why you believe and
teach that the Temple situated on the top of the mount
Moriah, although the Israel Bible locates the Temple to
Ophel area?
I haven't put forth my questions in a sense that I want to
be contentious, but for the reason of finding out the truth,
because the Almighty God of Israel has ordered where His
Temple must built, and we can see and find it from His word,
the Bible (Tanakh).
I'm awaiting your answer rabbi Tuly, that you can do
in a way you like. Privately by e-mail or publicly by
Breaking Israel News or israel365 YouTube channel.
I have in the past believed that the Temple situated on the
top of the Temple Mount. I have been mistaken about this,
but made the correction in my heart and have confessed my
error. I'm not approaching you rabbi Tuly by the heart of
pride, but with the heart knowing that I can't put my trust
in my thoughts and mind, because a man's heart and also my
heart is deceitful if I don't put my trust on God and I can't find the truth without the aid
of the God of Israel, the Almighty God.
The Bible gives us an answer why the Jews anymore have not
the Temple, and haven't got it nearly 2000 years:
1 Kings 9: 1 Kings 9:7 then will I cut off Israel out of the land which I have given them; and this house, which I have hallowed for My name, will I cast out of My sight; and Israel shall be a proverb and a by word among all peoples; Jewish Publication Society Bible 1917 - JPS God of Israel, has said that if the Jews turn away from God and do not keep God's commandments and laws, so God shall wipe Israel out and off the land that He gave them. God also said that if the Jews turn away from God, so He will cast out the Temple of His sight. 70 AD the Temple of Jerusalem was destroyed by Roman military commander Titus. After the destruction of the Temple and the city of Jerusalem, the Jews were expelled from the Land of Israel. The destruction of the Temple and expelling of the Jews came for the reason that they didn't believe their God and as the nation received their Messiah, who was and is Yeshua. Yeshua of the Bible died about 30 AD (but has risen from the death) and about it 40 years later the Temple was destroyed and expelling of the Jews took place. We can see from the Bible that number 40 and 40 years are a number of trials. The Talmud (Yoma 39:b) says: "Forty years before the holy temple was destroyed, the following things took place: on the Day of Atonement, the ram ceased to be supernatural; the red woolen yarn that normally changes into white stayed red and did not change; and the west side candle of the candelabra of the sanctuary did not want to burn when the doors of the holy temple opened by themselves.” Right after the death of Yeshua the Messiah the red woolen yarn did not become white, because the sins cannot be forgiven otherwise than by believing Yeshua the Messiah, His atonement in His blood. Yeshua's disciples (Matthew 24 chapter) showed to Yeshua the buildings of the Temple. Yeshua said that see you not all these things. There shall not be left here one stone on another, that shall not be thrown down. Yeshua prophesied the total destruction of the Temple and its buildings, which took place 70 AD. Yeshua came for the reason of forgiveness of sins in His blood and that in His redemption, God will make His nation to be His Temples where God dwells. When the Jews have no Temple it is a mark that they are not loyal to God, but have forsaken Him. Building the third temple is not the solution, because the real location of the Temple is not only geographical question, for in the Messiah Yeshua by believing in Him, you become the Temple where God dwells as the sign that God have forgiven your sins:
Jeremiah 31: The final salvation of the Jews:
Zechariah 13: The Bible speaks about Zechariah chapter 13 of the last days, the end of times, when God shall save the Jews, the third part of them, the remnant. That is the final solution to the Jews, which is believing in Yeshua, that He is the Messiah, the Saviour and the Lord Adonai. With all of my heart, I love and bless Israel, the Jews and pray for them, their coming into salvation in the end of times as the remnant (the third part) as the Bible says. So, by faith in Yeshua they shall enter into the salvation, which shall opens the new era in the mankind, the millennial kingdom, in which Yeshua is the Prince of Peace, who leads His nation (all Gentiles and Jews who believe in Him) after the millennial kingdom to the New Heaven and the New Earth and the New Jerusalem that is the eternal God's kingdom. Petri Paavola 30.4.2019